Field Trips

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Learn to code and control Sphero to do things like roll, spin, make animal noises, or display a custom image on its LED matrix!

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Visit our robot world and use tiles and structures designed, produced, and 3D printed by our engineers while learning the about the sensors and parts that make Ozobot able to follow colored tracks!

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See engineering and physics in action while learning to build stable 3D structures using magnetic tiles!

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Make your very own Glitter Tile to take home while learning about how Genius Gems is able to design and produce its own products!

Cost & Capacity

$18 per student for a 1.5 hour program, for a minimum of 15 students. No charge for chaperones.
Pack your own lunch and eat at Genius Gems for an additional 30 minutes, for a total cost of $20 per student.

Minimum Number of Students:
At least 15 students in a school group are required for a field trip to Genius Gems. To qualify as a school group, you must belong to an educational organization (K – 12) and make advance reservations. If you have fewer than 15 students, please contact us at to discuss your specific needs.

Maximum Number of Students:
We allow a maximum of 36 students per field trip at our Millburn, NJ location. This ensures we can provide an optimal experience for every guest.

One adult chaperone for every 5 students is required, and additional chaperones are welcome! There is no charge for adult chaperones.

How to book/pay

Please refer to our calendar below and select a date. If there is a date you'd like to visit that you don't see offered, or you'd prefer a different start time, please email us to inquire. Fill in all relevant information and check out. To reserve a time, no payment information is required.

Field trips may be paid for in advance by mailing a check (see instructions below), or on the day of the trip. If you choose to pay on the day of the trip, Genius Gems will accept school district checks, credit cards, or cash. A purchase order (PO) will not be accepted. Once your reservation is confirmed, please make checks out to Genius Gems LLC, and mail checks to: Genius Gems, Attn: Jennifer Romanoff, 215 Millburn Ave, Millburn, NJ 07041. 

If you require an invoice and would like to pay online, please email us, and we will send one! Just let us know your final student headcount.

Field Trips for Schools
